Our Management Policy
Lithosan senior management undertakes to carry out the necessary work to implement and maintain the Quality Policy and to provide all resources for this purpose.
Our Quality Policy
Lithosan senior management undertakes to carry out all the necessary work to implement the Quality Policy and ensure the continuity of the policy and to provide all its resources for these works.
- To work with the principle of "The customer is our benefactor",
- To guide and inform customers regarding printing, to produce solutions and to take care of customers' problems,
- To take and implement preventive measures before errors occur, with the participation of all employees,
- To increase efficiency and quality through continuous improvement by using resources efficiently,
- To serve the society as a useful organization within the sector and the country's economy
- Ulusal ve uluslararası ürün güvenliği standartları, yasal mevzuat, müşteri ve uygulanabilir diğer şartları en iyi şekilde karşılamak,
- To meet national and international product safety standards, legal regulations, customer and other applicable requirements in the best possible way
- To convey information regarding product safety to users, consumers and suppliers, to provide quality and hygienic products
- To ensure the health of our customers and employees with quality production
- To ensure continuous improvement under hygienic conditions, by providing continuous training to our staff and by closely following technology.
Our Occupational Health and Safety Policy
Lithosan accepts people as its most valuable asset in all its activities. Our primary goals are to ensure that working conditions are healthier and safer, to continuously improve them, and to minimize and prevent any losses that may occur.
The purpose of Occupational Health and Safety practices are;
- To work in compliance with the occupational health and safety policy and in accordance with national legislation and regulations.
- To create a healthy and safe working environment.
- To take precautions against possible occupational diseases and injuries, initiating and following corrective actions when necessary.
- To aim for zero work accidents, identifying all activities that pose occupational health and safety risks and minimizing the risks with effective control.
- To choose products and services that will not put health and safety at risk when purchasing goods and services.
- To ensure the participation of employees by asking for their opinions on health and safety-related issues
- To audit and improve Occupational Health and Safety system practices by constantly and regularly reviewing them.
- To ensure the use of necessary safety equipment in accordance with the rules, procedures and instructions, and to provide training to raise awareness and provide information.
- To raise awareness of our suppliers and customers about occupational health and safety.
Our Human Resources Policy
One of the biggest investments of our company, which aims for continuous development, efficient work and sustainability of quality, is the value it gives to its employees. Our company aims to maximize employee satisfaction by constantly investing in its employees through human resources practices.
The purpose of Human Resources practices are;
- To select and place people who have the necessary competencies for the position, who are qualified, open to learning, and who have made their job their profession, without discrimination, for the positions opened within our company, and placing them in the right job
- To evaluate the performance of employees and revealing their potential with the performance management system.
- To raise awareness on hygiene, environment, health and occupational safety issues.
- Increasing the knowledge, competence and performance levels of employees by providing training.
- To support teamwork.
- To maintain our long-term cooperation with our employees.
- To ensure sustainability of productivity
- To make quality a part of all these processes.
Our Environmental Policy
Our company is aware of its responsibility towards the environment and believes in the necessity of leaving a livable world to future generations.
The purpose of Environmental Policy applications are;
- Comply with national environmental legislation,
- Minimize waste and ensure recycling of waste,
- To minimize the risks related to the effective control of all activities that have an environmental dimension and pose occupational health/safety risks
- To conduct inspections to measure the effectiveness of our Environmental Management System, to initiate corrective/preventive actions when necessary and to ensure the sustainability and development of environmental protection efforts,
- To prefer products and services that are compatible with the environment in the procurement of goods and services,
- To reduce energy consumption by choosing appropriate technology,
- To reduce wastage rates through effective production
- To reduce and prevent air, water and noise pollution as much as possible.
- To provide training to improve environmental awareness among our employees and to encourage our employees to take savings measures.
- To raise awareness of our suppliers and customers about environmental responsibility
Product Safety and Quality Culture Policy
In order to develop Product Safety and Quality Culture and prevent weak security culture, we assure to adopt and implement the following principles.
• Leadership Security Values and Activities
Leaders demonstrate a commitment to safety in their decisions and actions:
Staff training on product safety & hygiene use,
Management of personnel and environmental control program,
Supply of hygiene materials,
Follows up on routine field checks,
Management encourages to reinforce desired positive product safety behaviors through consistently clear communication of expectations,
Resources are allocated effectively by management to address security and scheduling.
• Problem Identification and Solving
Issues that potentially impact security are promptly identified, fully assessed, and promptly addressed and corrected in proportion to their significance.
• Personal Responsibility
Product Safety is the responsibility of all employees:
Product safety procedures and rules are for the benefit of everyone and require everyone's support. All personnel are expected to be familiar with food safety policies and procedures and conduct their operations in accordance with them.
Rather than imposing and enforcing specific behaviors consistent with the Product Safety & Quality Culture, the development of a solid safety culture is encouraged and supervised.
Employees are expected to perform their jobs safely, assist others in performing their jobs safely, meet all legal requirements, and develop and maintain activities that keep our company in compliance.
During routine inspections, working conditions are reviewed and employees are reminded of their responsibilities to report unsafe practices.
Individuals are encouraged to communicate about safety concerns and are provided with an atmosphere of trust and confidence that encourages communication.
• Business Processes
The process of planning and controlling business activities is implemented to ensure safety.
Processes and procedures are standardized, implemented, maintained, and communicated:
The personnel, equipment, tools, procedures, and other resources necessary to ensure safety and security are available.
When new procedures or processes are proposed, the product safety team reviews the proposed procedure, examines potential safety hazards associated with use, and recommends any changes necessary to the facilities or processes and any necessary actions before the procedure is implemented. Employees are given new procedure training
Inspections are carried out to ensure compliance with Product Safety & Quality requirements.
• Continuous Learning
Opportunities to learn ways to ensure safety are sought and implemented:
The Product Safety team investigates and publishes other product safety and quality-related risks and threats and shares “lessons learned” with other personnel and employees.
All staff are encouraged to attend training.
Necessary training is given to employees.
• Communicating Concerns
A security-conscious work environment is provided so that staff can raise security concerns without fear of retaliation, intimidation, harassment, or discrimination:
It is everyone's responsibility to raise concerns immediately.
Employees are allowed and encouraged to use work hours to report concerns.
The concern needs to be communicated clearly and understanding must be confirmed with the person receiving the concern.
Each employee respects other colleagues who express concerns.
Followed up to ensure the concern is addressed appropriately.
• Effective Security Communication
Communication ensures focus on security:
Staff are expected to communicate security issues during field visits, trainings, and communication meetings.
Security is our duty.
• Respectful Working Environment
All managers listen to and respect all communications regarding employee safety concerns or safety issues.
When conducting an audit or evaluating complaints, the focus is on solving the problem and suggestions for corrections and corrective action are taken without worrying about punishing the employee.
Regular meetings are held for staff to raise safety-related issues, suggest, and develop new procedures or modify existing problems.
Maintains an open-door policy that allows escalating issues with co-workers or managers.
• Questioning and Reporting Attitude
Individuals avoid inappropriate behavior, and when they detect inconsistencies that may result in errors or inappropriate actions, they contribute to the development of a security culture by reporting them to their relevant managers.
• Prevention
The following points are taken into account in the formation of teams:
Having a management team that emphasizes that security is more important than efficiency.
Having managers who provide adequate control and supervision in terms of security.
Ensuring that preventive maintenance is not postponed and that there are maintenance personnel who ensure regular follow-up of the maintenance.
Having employees who express their uncertainties and concerns, care about the safety rules, are aware of them and embrace them.
- Hygiene
To identify and control physical, chemical, and biological Product Safety hazards at every stage of the products we offer to our customers, and to ensure that they are produced in accordance with health and hygiene rules.
It is not allowed to enter production areas without a protective apron or cap. No jewelry may be worn while working in production areas or during field visits.
Aprons should be clean, and caps should be used to completely cover the ears and hair. Cleaning of aprons is ensured in accordance with the employees' clothing washing instructions.
- Smoking and Eating
Smoking and eating and drinking are prohibited in our production and storage areas and changing rooms. Warning signs are hung in visible places. Visitors and subcontractors are ensured to comply with this rule.
- Entrance to Production and Warehouse Areas
Our visitors and suppliers enter our production areas by wearing special aprons and bonnets and by registering on the visitor control form. Care should be taken not to bring allergenic products to our production area and to avoid allergen-containing areas (cafes halls, etc.) until the end and to avoid contamination.
- Foreign Matter
In our production areas, breakable glass, plastic, wood and metal materials (split knife/knife, staples, paper clips, needles, pushpins, etc.) have been removed from use to prevent foreign substances that may cause physical contamination. Existing glass and breakable plastic materials, pallets and metal equipment are protected.
- Health Checks
Periodic health examinations of the personnel are carried out. In cases of infectious diseases, upper respiratory tract infections, diarrhea, nausea, coughing and sneezing, the production manager removes the product from the production area and sends it for health control. Patient and injured operating instructions are included.
- Environment
To maintain all our processes with a life cycle perspective in order to prevent negative impacts and pollution arising from our activities, protect the environment and increase our environmental performance for a sustainable future.
- Occupational Health and Safety
To provide a safe and healthy environment for our employees and to follow the best occupational health and safety practices to prevent occupational diseases and work accidents.