About Us
We provide folding carton packaging and package leaflet production for Turkey's leading domestic and foreign pharmaceutical companies, prioritizing product and service quality.

About Us
Founded in 1984, Lithosan is an integrated organization that has the capacity to carry out all processes in the field of folding carton packaging, such as graphic design, CTP molding, offset printing, dispersion lacquer, UV lacquer, die-cutting, guillotine cutting, coil cutting, braille, sorting, folding carton packaging and leaflet folding and gluing.
With the awareness that product and service quality is the main element, it produces folding carton packaging and prospectuses for well-known domestic and foreign companies, especially pharmaceutical companies.
20.000 m²’lik kapalı alanda 13.500 ton/yıl kağıt karton işleme kapasitesi, 120 kişilik kalifiye personel ve mühendis kadrosuyla hizmet veren Lithosan, günün teknolojisini kullanarak, ERP ve barkod sistemi ile yönetilen bir organizasyondur.

Our Vision
To be a leading and pioneering company with the services we provide as a useful organization both in the cardboard packaging industry and in the country's economy
Years of Experience
Our Mission
As an organization that adopts success and development as its basic principle, to provide products/services with optimum efficiency, time, price and quality with our expert and trained staff with technical knowledge, appropriate production methods, use of correct technology and efficient use of resources.
Our Values
Respecting people, the environment, society, laws and our profession and acting in accordance with ethical rules is a basic requirement for our company. For this reason, we consider it our priority to act honestly, fairly and responsibly in all our work.
At Lithosan, sense of duty is not limited to just production. In addition to producing the required products in the shortest time, in the best and most economical way by showing maximum performance within the possibilities, our services include guiding and informing our customers about printing, producing solutions by fully understanding their needs and taking ownership of their problems. In this context, we consider solving problems not only as a duty, but also as an opportunity to improve our relationships with our customers.
With the contribution of our quality management team, which evaluates the product from the customer's perspective, we constantly increase customer satisfaction, which is the basis of our working approach. We continue our dialogue with our customers after product delivery, evaluate customer expectations, demands, suggestions and criticisms and make new regulations, improvements and investment plans with the necessary corrective and preventive measures.
We believe that the more our products and services satisfy our customers, the more value our company will gain. For this reason, we adopt a management approach in which all units of production and management are constantly reviewed and focused on the development and improvement of all activities. Within the framework of the quality system established by the establishment of safe standards, we carry out the necessary checks at every stage of production, starting from the selection of the raw materials we use, and record all findings in the ERP system and continue to monitor them. We ensure the continuity of our quality by preventing the occurrence and repetition of errors with a preventive approach. For the development of the company organization, we perform statistical studies, performance evaluations, selection of appropriate production methods, follow-up of technology, technical knowledge, each in their own field, preventing waste, increasing efficiency, reducing costs, shortening processing times, constantly increasing quality and continuous improvement and development. Thanks to our expert and trained staff, we increase our workforce efficiency and always work in line with a high sustainable quality approach.
We adopt a working system that paves the way for the creation of an environment of trust and ensures that this environment is permanent, and supports cooperation, mutual commitment, expertise and information sharing through effective communication.

Quality Assurance
“Quality is a natural result of our organized work based on expert staff and discipline.”
Success in production depends on factors such as quality as well as reliability, ability to provide a full range of services, expert and trained staff, workforce and efficiency, and selection of appropriate production methods and technologies.
Our company, which has adopted success and development as its principle, based on constantly improving production quality since its establishment, has also added a quality assurance department to its organization in this direction.
Since 1999, we have been offering products/services that meet the quality requirements of our customers in accordance with the ISO 9001 Quality Management System standard and have been continuously certified. We work with good production and management principles.
We carry out the necessary checks at every stage, from raw materials to the final product. We ensure continuity of quality by preventing errors and repetition with a preventive approach.
Retroactive Traceability
We have been working with barcode integration with the ERP system since 2003. The most important role in ensuring traceability is to keep all production processes accurate and simultaneous. The ERP system ensures that information regarding the identification of raw materials, auxiliary materials and products, all production processes, packaging, storage, transportation and reaching the final sales point are recorded instantly with the barcode system, archived in an easily accessible way and thus retrospective tracking can be made.
All our measuring devices such as the spectroeye, optical quality controller, inline testing equipment etc. used are calibrated and certified by TÜRKAK (Turkish Accreditation Agency).
For more information and questions, [email protected] you can contact our quality department at.
Our Certificates
Customer Satisfaction
At Lithosan, sense of duty is not limited to just production. In addition to producing the required products in the shortest time, in the best and most economical way by showing maximum performance within the possibilities, our services include guiding and informing our customers about printing, producing solutions by fully understanding their needs and taking ownership of their problems. In this context, we consider solving problems not only as a duty, but also as an opportunity to improve our relationships with our customers.
We continue our dialogue with our customers not only during the production phase but also after product delivery. By evaluating customer expectations, demands and criticisms, we take the necessary corrective and preventive measures and make new regulations, improvements and investment plans in this regard.

Our Memberships

(European Carton Makers Associations)
The main focus of ECMA, of which we are a member, is to support the development of European carton packaging manufacturers, raise the profile and professionalism of the carton industry, develop international standards and practices, help them grow their international networks and expertise, as well as advocate and promote folding cartons. Additionally, as an ECMA Pharma Forum Member, we represent the world and Turkey in pharmaceutical healthcare cardboard packaging. We meet periodically and discuss topics such as good manufacturing practices, security and anti-counterfeiting, pharmaceutical industry and health trends, braille standardization, etc.
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(Cardboard Packaging Manufacturers Association)
We are the pioneers of the industry as a founding member and current board member of the Cardboard Packaging Manufacturers Association, which has important missions such as identifying problems and providing solutions for cardboard packaging industrialists, ensuring cooperation with all stakeholders by organizing organizations that will help them develop their professional knowledge and experience, etc.
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(Printing Industry and Education Foundation)
As a member of the board of directors and the foundation, we organize sectoral training activities and offer internship and scholarship opportunities. We carry out studies to ensure sustainability in human resources, which is one of the most important problems of today, and support education and sectoral employment.
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Human Resources
We aim for continuous development, efficient work and sustainability of quality. In this regard, one of our company's biggest investments is the value it gives to its employees. We aim to maximize employee satisfaction by constantly investing in our employees through our Human Resources practices, which include education, scholarships, internships and job opportunities.
For your job applications, you can send your CV to [email protected]