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In preparation for the Pro Carton Young Designers Award 24 competition, KASAD Secretary General Erol Gül and KASAD Board Member and Lithosan Deputy General Manager Aylin Topal Yılmaz gave information about cardboard, cardboard packaging and sustainability, cardboard packaging design and national and international competition in the BAU Bahçeşehir University conference hall. was given. In addition to BAU students, nearly a hundred students from Bilgi and Marmara universities attended the seminar, which was broadcast live via MS Teams.

At the seminar, ITU students Burak Ayataç and Sinan Baltacı, who made it to the finals and won awards in the international competition in 2022, as well as BAU students who received national awards and honorable mentions in 2023, shared their feelings about the award preparation processes and award ceremonies with their friends. BAU management, who provided us with this opportunity, and the hospitality they showed to our Industrial Design Department Head Professor Doctor Elçin Tezel and Doctor Lecturer Handan Temeltaş and our other professors, as well as our Özyeğin University and Bilgi University Industrial Design Department instructors, Professor Doctor Şebnem Timur and Professor, who did not leave us alone on this day. We would like to thank our professors, Doctor Hümanur Bagli, and our students who made speeches.

We wish success to all our students and teachers in the preparation process and in the competition. May their paths be bright.